ROOT-Sim core
A General-Purpose Multi-threaded Parallel/Distributed Simulation Library
▼ src | |
▼ arch | |
io.c | Generic input-output facilities |
io.h | Generic input-output facilities |
mem.c | Platform specific memory utilities |
mem.h | Platform specific memory utilities |
platform.h | Determine on what OS we are compiling |
thread.c | Generic architecture management facilities |
thread.h | Generic architecture management facilities |
timer.h | Timers |
▼ core | |
core.c | Core ROOT-Sim functionalities |
core.h | Core ROOT-Sim functionalities |
intrinsics.h | Easier access to compiler extensions |
sync.c | Easier Synchronization primitives |
sync.h | Easier Synchronization primitives |
▼ datatypes | |
array.h | Dynamic array datatype |
bitmap.h | Bitmap data type |
heap.h | Heap datatype |
list.h | List datatype |
msg_queue.c | Message queue datatype |
msg_queue.h | Message queue datatype |
▼ distributed | |
control_msg.c | MPI remote control messages module |
control_msg.h | MPI remote control messages header |
mpi.c | MPI Support Module |
mpi.h | MPI Support Module |
no_mpi.c | MPI Support Module |
▼ gvt | |
fossil.c | Housekeeping operations |
fossil.h | Housekeeping operations |
gvt.c | Global Virtual Time |
gvt.h | Global Virtual Time |
termination.c | Termination detection module |
termination.h | Termination detection module |
▼ lib | |
▼ random | |
random.c | Random Number Generators |
random.h | Random Number Generators |
xoroshiro.h | Xoroshiro RNG support functions |
xxtea.c | XXTEA block cipher |
xxtea.h | XXTEA block cipher |
▼ topology | |
topology.c | Topology library |
▼ log | |
file.c | File utilities |
file.h | File utilities |
log.c | Logging library |
log.h | Logging library |
stats.c | Statistics module |
stats.h | Statistics module |
▼ lp | |
common.h | Common LP functionalities |
lp.c | LP construction functions |
lp.h | LP construction functions |
msg.h | Message management functions |
process.c | LP state management functions |
process.h | LP state management functions |
▼ mm | |
▼ buddy | |
buddy.c | A Buddy System implementation |
buddy.h | A Buddy System implementation |
ckpt.c | Checkpointing capabilities |
ckpt.h | Checkpointing capabilities |
multi.c | Handling of multiple buddy systems |
multi.h | Handling of multiple buddy systems |
auto_ckpt.c | Autonomic checkpoint interval selection module |
auto_ckpt.h | Autonomic checkpoint interval selection header |
mm.h | Memory Manager main header |
model_allocator.h | Memory management functions for simulation models |
msg_allocator.c | Memory management functions for messages |
msg_allocator.h | Memory management functions for messages |
▼ parallel | |
parallel.c | Concurrent simulation engine |
parallel.h | Concurrent simulation engine |
▼ serial | |
serial.c | Sequential simulation engine |
serial.h | Sequential simulation engine |
init.c | Initialization routines |
ROOT-Sim.h | ROOT-Sim header for model development |