ROOT-Sim core  3.0.0-rc.2
A General-Purpose Multi-threaded Parallel/Distributed Simulation Library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 io.cGeneric input-output facilities
 io.hGeneric input-output facilities
 mem.cPlatform specific memory utilities
 mem.hPlatform specific memory utilities
 platform.hDetermine on what OS we are compiling
 thread.cGeneric architecture management facilities
 thread.hGeneric architecture management facilities
 core.cCore ROOT-Sim functionalities
 core.hCore ROOT-Sim functionalities
 intrinsics.hEasier access to compiler extensions
 sync.cEasier Synchronization primitives
 sync.hEasier Synchronization primitives
 array.hDynamic array datatype
 bitmap.hBitmap data type
 heap.hHeap datatype
 list.hList datatype
 msg_queue.cMessage queue datatype
 msg_queue.hMessage queue datatype
 control_msg.cMPI remote control messages module
 control_msg.hMPI remote control messages header
 mpi.cMPI Support Module
 mpi.hMPI Support Module
 no_mpi.cMPI Support Module
 fossil.cHousekeeping operations
 fossil.hHousekeeping operations
 gvt.cGlobal Virtual Time
 gvt.hGlobal Virtual Time
 termination.cTermination detection module
 termination.hTermination detection module
 random.cRandom Number Generators
 random.hRandom Number Generators
 xoroshiro.hXoroshiro RNG support functions
 xxtea.cXXTEA block cipher
 xxtea.hXXTEA block cipher
 topology.cTopology library
 file.cFile utilities
 file.hFile utilities
 log.cLogging library
 log.hLogging library
 stats.cStatistics module
 stats.hStatistics module
 common.hCommon LP functionalities
 lp.cLP construction functions
 lp.hLP construction functions
 msg.hMessage management functions
 process.cLP state management functions
 process.hLP state management functions
 buddy.cA Buddy System implementation
 buddy.hA Buddy System implementation
 ckpt.cCheckpointing capabilities
 ckpt.hCheckpointing capabilities
 multi.cHandling of multiple buddy systems
 multi.hHandling of multiple buddy systems
 auto_ckpt.cAutonomic checkpoint interval selection module
 auto_ckpt.hAutonomic checkpoint interval selection header
 mm.hMemory Manager main header
 model_allocator.hMemory management functions for simulation models
 msg_allocator.cMemory management functions for messages
 msg_allocator.hMemory management functions for messages
 parallel.cConcurrent simulation engine
 parallel.hConcurrent simulation engine
 serial.cSequential simulation engine
 serial.hSequential simulation engine
 init.cInitialization routines
 ROOT-Sim.hROOT-Sim header for model development