If you want to use ROOT-Sim in your project, the easiest way is to rely on pre-packaged releases. We provide both stable releases and development releases.

The packages are built with MPI support, so you can use models on any distributed system/supercomputer of your choice.

To get started, download the latest release from the list below and have a look at the usage page for information on how to write simulation models.

Current stable releases

Version Release date Download
Debian package date name/link
RPM package date name/link
MacOS installer date name/link
Windows installer date name/link
Source code date name/link

Current development releases

Development releases may have more advanced features, but are less thoroughly tested. We rely on extensive continuous integration, though, so they should be stable enough for most use cases.

Version Release date Download
Debian package date name/link
RPM package date name/link
MacOS installer date name/link
Windows installer date name/link
Source code date name/link